Sol Undurraga (Mujer Gallina) studied architecture and has worked as an illustrator since 2011. She illustrated the book Atlas americano (American Atlas), published by Amanuta. She won the Opera Prima prize at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in 2018 and the Green Island Prize in Korea for her book La Plage (The Beach), published by L’agrume in France and translated and published by Wellmade Pictures Books in South Korea and Sapocast in Chile. Sol and Mujer Gallina have been recognized and selected twice as finalists in Latin American Illustrator NY, three times in the Iberoamericano catalogue in Mexico, twice in the Bologna Children’s Book Fair and in the Bienal de Ilustración in Portugal. Sol has been invited to give the opening address at the FILIJ in Guadalajara and Oaxaca and in the FILBO in Bogotá. She has participated in collective and individual exhibitions in Chile, Barcelona, the United States, Korea, Japan, Portugal and Italy. At the same time, Sol has worked for the weekly edition of El País in Spain, SZ in Germany, and Radio Ambulante in the United States, among other publications. In Spain, she is represented by the Pencil agency. She currently lives in Berlin.