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Ulises Gonzales writes the weekly blog Newyópolis for the journalistic magazine Frontera D (Madrid, Spain) and his own literary blog, The New York Street. He has received awards for his writing and his graphic stories. He published his first novel, País de hartos, in 2010. His interviews and short stories have been published in the magazines Words Without Borders (2021), QSQOQST (2021), Suburbano (Miami, 2020) Buensalvaje (Lima, 2013) Revista de Occidente (Madrid, 2012), Luvina (Guadalajara, 2011), Hermano Cerdo (2015). His comics have been exhibited in Lima, Buenos Aires and Bogotá. His poems have been published in the Hostos Review (New York, 2005). He is the Editor of the literary journal based in New York, Los Bárbaros.

Chatos Inhumanos is a non-profit publisher proudly sponsored by the New York Foundation for the Arts - NYFA .


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